Employers face unprecedented workplace regulation and risk. Managing employees has become more difficult, and the potential consequences of mismanagement—or even perceived mismanagement—have become more dire. Husch Blackwell takes a service-first approach to assisting employers. Our labor and employment law team partners with clients to minimize risk and to aggressively solve labor and employment issues, whether through program development, day-to-day counseling, or labor dispute resolution. And when trial is your best option, we are your fiercest advocates.
The attorneys on our labor and employment law team are entrepreneurial and innovative in their approaches, and aggressive and bold in their strategies. We are comfortable in front of juries, and from the moment we are engaged, we prepare cases as if they will be tried before juries. We may not, but we will always be prepared.
Identifying and eliminating potential risks can help avert legal troubles. Our labor and employment law team counsels employers locally, regionally and nationally on state-of-the-art policy development and implementation and best practices in managing employees. Additionally, we advise on:
Employment practices often support business models and strategic plans. We have the experience and skills to protect these practices and steer you through the litigation process. Our national litigation work includes:
Our team clarified important points of law regarding CBAs in this class action suit.
Employment-related issues continue to rate among the greatest concerns for manufacturers, who are under pressure to maintain high-functioning workforces while complying with an ever-larger body of law that regulates the workplace.
Intensifying geopolitical crises, increasing regulatory burdens, and uncertain macroeconomic conditions have led to an era of caution for manufacturers.
With each passing day it becomes more apparent the world that entered the COVID-19 pandemic is not the world that emerged from it.
What manufacturers can expect in the new year.
Vaccine mandates present interesting issues for the unionized employer.
"While predicting the future from certain presidential appointments and executive orders can be problematic, they point to changes ahead for federal contractors in the area of labor and employment law."
Erik Dullea and Stephanie Kaiser have compiled a Business Continuity and Emergency Planning Checklist and an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for employers, both published by Lexis Practice Advisor®.
Return-to-Work Client Survey Provides Insights Across Industries
Avi Meyerstein, Stacey Bowman and Courtney Steelman have compiled a Pandemic Flu/Influenza/ Coronavirus (COVID-19) Prevention and Response Checklist for employers, published by Lexis Practice Advisor®.
This article outlines a judicious return-to-work strategy, drawing upon the advice of experts in government and science who are developing tools to fight the virus.
Updated DOL Guidance Permits Concurrent Use of Employer-Provided Leave with Expanded Family and Medical Leave Under the FFCRA
Hiring to Firing and Everything in Between Webinar Series
Issues in Higher Education Webinar Series
Pre-Election Webinar Series
Husch Blackwell earned a victory in Missouri state court for CoxHealth, the Springfield-based healthcare system, in connection with race, national origin, workers’ compensation and disability discrimination claims, as well as claims of retaliation.
Tracy Wolf joins Husch Blackwell’s Dallas office as a partner in its Labor & Employment practice team and Healthcare, Life Sciences & Education business unit.
Brofsky was part of a team that in June launched a tool to help small and mid-market businesses return to their worksites during COVID-19 by developing Return-to-Work policies that comply with applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations.
The Supreme Court’s ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County created a landmark decision protecting homosexual or transgender employment, but it leaves questions unanswered.
"Update your policies, and know that much ambiguity remains."
Jones and Robinson are members of the firm’s Real Estate, Development & Construction industry group and Construction Litigation practice team.
Husch Blackwell provides really practical business advice, not just legal. They can incorporate the business ramifications and narrow down the risk profile.