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Empowering Change: Zero Electric's Journey with Communities for Change and Husch Blackwell

Austin, TX

Communities for Change “has been there every step of the way” for Austin-based energy storage and electric vehicle company, Zero Electric, according to its CEO Jimi Adebbohun. The company was formed to develop and store energy sources and to provide electric vehicle charging stations across the country, beginning in Texas.

Its founders initially came to Husch Blackwell looking for a review of their lease for a new charging station just outside Austin. Firm attorneys Molly Durbin and Heather Gasper assisted with their review of the complicated and long-term agreement. Since the lease was executed, attorneys Andrew Parker and Brent Meyer have helped the company with a build-out of the leased space in a low-income area of Austin and with installation of the charging equipment at the station.

“This will help reduce pollutants into the air and lower emissions for a population of the city usually accustomed to poor quality air,” Adebbohun said. Parker and Meyer are assisting on review of the construction/build-out contract.

Helping even further, Husch Blackwell attorneys Brenda Barrett and Ryan Holland have assisted with a review of a partnership agreement with a large Texas institution, which will help the company create and develop its charging equipment.

“Communities for Change has been incredibly instrumental to our success. From helping us secure the charging station, build it out, and develop the technology we will store at the station – soup to nuts. We would not be where we are without Husch Blackwell,” said Adebbohun.