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In Brief: A Digest of Energy Marketing & Trading Projects

Client Success
  • Developed preferred ISDA Schedule and Credit Support Annex forms for a major commodities broker and futures commission merchant, with multiple options tailored to different categories of counterparties, including municipal counterparties.
  • Negotiated multiple ISDA master agreements, including gas and power annexes, with major wholesale energy marketers to enable gas marketing client to efficiently commence and integrate power trading operations upon obtaining Market Base Rate authority from FERC.
  • Negotiated 12 new and amended ISDAs utilized by a natural gas distribution utility for gas supply and gas price hedging in connection with the acquisition of three utilities by our client.
  • Assisted client in development of online fuel price hedging platform targeted to small business customers, and in negotiation of its initial suite of ISDAs with major Wall Street banks to enable back-to-back hedging of customer transaction price risk.
  • Negotiated ISDA novation agreements and new credit support arrangements for client’s derivative trading portfolio to permit the retention of client’s derivative trading operations upon the sale of its subsidiary in which trading operations were housed.
  • Negotiated ISDA power hedges for multiple wind energy facilities, including price swaps and features designed to account for variability in wind energy production, with recourse limited to the projects.
  • Negotiated ISDAs on behalf of exploration and production company in support of new domestic and international oil and gas production.
  • Assisted multiple clients in tracking, submitting claims, and recovering funds in connection with the recent bankruptcy of major global financial derivatives broker MF Global.