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In Brief: A Digest of K-12 Education Projects

Client Success
  • Represented dozens of school districts in all stages of school desegregation litigation.
  • Handled numerous Office of Civil Rights investigations involving alleged discrimination on the basis of race, national origin, disability, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • Conducted Title IX training for school administrators.
  • Currently defending numerous educational institutions from claims their websites are not accessible under the ADA and Section 504.
  • Conducted internal sexual harassment investigations on behalf of school boards.
  • Helped school districts develop appropriate civil rights policies and develop and conduct appropriate training programs.
  • Advised school districts on litigation under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
  • Prepared amicus briefs for educational associations in IDEA, desegregation, English language learners (ELL) and employment cases in federal appellate courts and the Supreme Court of the United States.
  • Represented former superintendent and principal of school district in case involving $1 million negligence claim brought by injured student. Obtained summary judgment in favor of clients in groundbreaking application of the Paul D. Coverdell Teacher Protection Act. Successfully defended case on appeal before the Missouri Supreme Court.
  • Advised school districts on the intersection of the Perkins Act and IDEA, Section 504 and the ADA in career and technical education centers.
  • Counseled a school district interested in expanding pre-K education programs on available federal grants and related compliance issues.
  • Defended a school district and administrators accused of violating Title IX and state tort law in case involving bullying and student suicide.
  • Regularly advise boards of education, trustees and administrators on matters involving employee hiring, evaluation, remediation and termination, student rights and discipline, civil rights, school zoning, voting rights, contracts, the Sunshine Law, church/state issues and other constitutional matters.
  • Defended school district in a class action suit brought by parents seeking systemic changes in the delivery of special education services and received a favorable outcome for client.
  • Handled more than 150 faculty and teacher termination cases in the past five years, including due process hearings and appeals.
  • Represented a school district in all phases of a $500 million capital improvements plan, including bond financing, condemnation, acquisition of property, asbestos abatement, contracts with various contractors and architects, and resolution of construction claims.
  • Negotiated and drafted multiple superintendent contracts for a major metropolitan school district, including contracts for interim employment. All of these cases have involved negotiations with the prospective superintendent, his counsel and the board.