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Thought Leadership

eDiscovery with the Government

Speaking Engagements

The legal and regulatory landscape in working with the government has changed substantially in recent years, and whether it's working with state governments, prosecutors, or federal agencies, eDiscovery with the government has unique requirements and strategies to help ensure the best possible outcomes for your company or your clients. In this session, government attorneys and technologists—as well as attorneys who work in matters involving governmental organizations—share potential pitfalls and best practices.


  • Kenya Dixon, Assistant Director, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Division of Technology and Analysis, U.S. Federal Trade Commission
  • Tracy Greer, Senior Litigation Counsel, Antitrust Division, U.S. Department of Justice
  • Tessa Jacob, Senior Counsel, Husch Blackwell LLP
  • Corey Nugent, Information Technology Specialist, New York State Office of the Attorney General
  • David Horrigan, Discovery Counsel & Legal Education Director, Relativity, Moderator


Tessa K. Jacob
