John Borkowski and Aleksandra Rushing will present "Advising School Districts on the Law Through an Equity Lens" at the COSA School Law Practice Seminar in Santa Fe, NM on Friday, October 18, 2019.
School attorneys are often asked to advise school districts on policies, practices, and on-the-ground decisions that touch on equity. Indeed, much of the law that affects school district policy in the area of student rights and discipline is based on legal theories based on fundamental fairness, i.e., due process, equal protection. And much of the regulation and guidance from federal and state authorities, which may change with political winds, addresses these issues. In this session, you will delve into the legal and educational bases for equitable policies and practices in schools, current legal standards affecting these practices, and underlying forces like bias, that can affect them. You will learn strategies for advising your clients moving toward a multicultural approach to excellence in their schools. Legal topics to be covered include intentional resource allocation, equitable opportunity and access to high-quality curriculum and educators and fair discipline practices.
You can find additional information about this presentation on the COSA School Law Practice Seminar website.