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Thought Leadership

Speaker, "Dept. of Justice's White Collar Crime Enforcement Initiative, One Year Later," Ethicast

Speaking Engagements

In October 2021, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco announced a renewed focus from the Department of Justice on the prosecution of white collar crime, with additional comments from Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General John Carlin regarding cybercrime, and further comments in 2022 from Attorney General Merrick Garland and Assistant Attorney General Ken Polite.

A year later, Ethisphere CEO Erica Salmon Byrne leads a discussion in this Ethicast with Husch Blackwell Partner Gregg Sofer, Senior Associate Rebecca Furdek, and Senior Compliance and Ethics Advisor Sal Hernandez around where these developments have taken us, and where they are likely to go.


Rebecca Furdek


Salvador Hernandez

Senior Compliance and Ethics Advisor