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Hospice and the False Claims Act Series
The False Claims Act (FCA) is the government’s most serious weapon to combat fraud in the healthcare community, and hospices are increasingly the target of FCA investigations and lawsuits. The United States Supreme Court is, for the first time, considering FCA cases involving hospices and certifications of terminal illness. Moreover, the relief funds disbursed by the government to hospices as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic add to the existing and substantial number of bases of potential FCA liability for hospices. Aggressive government investigation, enforcement efforts and increased whistleblower activity is coming. Hospices can and should prepare for this new environment. In this 3-part series, Meg Pekarske talks with Husch Blackwell attorneys Bryan Nowicki, Jody Rudman and Brian Flood about emerging issues involving hospices and the FCA. Bryan, Jody and Brian will share their experiences as seasoned litigators in FCA cases to help hospices understand the FCA trends affecting hospices, and provide practical guidance to help hospices prepare themselves to preempt, combat and successfully face FCA allegations.
Today's Episode: What Will Hospices Face and What Can They Do About It
In this first episode of the Husch Blackwell Hospice Team’s 3-part “Hospice and the False Claims Act” series, Husch Blackwell’s Meg Pekarske, Bryan Nowicki, Jody Rudman and Brian Flood discuss how the False Claims Act (FCA) has historically affected hospices and the emerging areas of potential FCA exposure for hospices. These include two hospice FCA cases being considered by the U.S. Supreme Court relating to physician certifications of terminal illness and the FCA implications relating to the receipt and use of COVID-19 relief funds. The Hospice Team provides their insights and tips about how to proactively approach FCA allegations.
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