Charles Renner will moderate and Rod Carter will participate in the panel, "U.S. P3 Trends Report: Record Levels of Projects and the Broadband Impact," at the Public-Private Partnership (P3) Conference & Expo on Tuesday, September 14, 2021.
The panel will provide an overview of Husch Blackwell’s fourth annual U.S. Public-Private Partnership Trends Report, containing an analysis of recent public-private partnership (P3) agreements on emerging areas of P3 activity. An overview will be provided of the current pipeline of P3 projects and the roster of projects reaching a financial close, which saw record levels in the previous year.
Of critical importance is how broadband will be impacted by the P3 model; in 2020, legislatures in 34 states enacted legislation and/or adopted resolutions addressing broadband issues, including funding and deployment of infrastructure. The federal infrastructure bill is expected to drastically increase activity. The panel will discuss not only achieving deployment to rural areas, but also the urban underserved areas that the infrastructure bill addresses. The conversation will address tools such as federal and state grants; upfront payment from the commercialization of resources; tax-exempt revenue bonds; milestone payments and federal grants for broadband deployment to rural and low-income areas; taxable general obligation bonds; bonds backed by property taxes; and federal funding related to pandemic relief.
Charles Renner, Partner, Husch Blackwell
Rod Carter, Partner, Husch Blackwell
Bryan Kendro, Senior Program Management Consultant, RS&H
Paul Pishal, Business Development Director – Connected Communities, Black & Veatch
For more information about this event, visit the P3 Conference website.