Please join Husch Blackwell attorneys for an informative half-day seminar on current issues in labor and employment law.
- Life cycle of an employment claim. Being prepared before a claim is the best defense. This session will explore the signs for potential claims, best practices for avoiding claims, and the steps employers should take before and after claims are filed to successfully defend themselves.
- EEOC enforcement priorities. John Lowrie, Denver field director for the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, will describe the most common mistakes he sees employers make and give practical advice on strategies that are likely to be well received by the EEOC investigators, mediators and litigators.
- Enforceability of noncompetition agreements in Colorado. Husch Blackwell will explain when employers should enter into noncompetition agreements and under what circumstances employers can expect agreements containing noncompete, nonsolicitation and confidentiality clauses to be enforced.
- Free legal advice panel. A panel of experts answering your most pressing questions. Submit a question when you register to attend for the panelists to answer at the seminar.
Date and Time
Wednesday, May 18, 2017
7:45 a.m. – Registration and continental breakfast
8:30 a.m. - Noon – Program
Wells Fargo Building
Assemble Room (Lower Level 2)
1700 Lincoln Street
Denver, CO 80203
Who Should Attend
Business owners, vice presidents, directors, human resource professionals, general counsel and other in-house counsel.
Continuing Education Credits
Colorado, Missouri and Illinois CLE credits are pending. HR Certification Institute recertification credits and Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) recertification credits are also pending.
Contact Pam Clark at 314.345.6648.