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Amandeep focuses on corporate law, assisting clients with mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, and other transactions.

As a law student, Amandeep was drawn to competition programs, which allowed her to build the advocacy skills she knew she’d rely on for corporate transactions. She was part of the National Patent Application Drafting Competition team and the ABA Client Counseling Competition team, where the transactional fact patterns allowed her to hone her skills in corporate law and contract issues. Amandeep also served as the president of her school’s Board of Advocates, where she coordinated advocacy competitions and helped fellow students develop their communication and advocacy skills. Her exceptional skills in trial advocacy, oral advocacy, and brief writing earned her admission to the National Order of Barristers.

At Husch Blackwell, Amandeep concentrates on the fast-paced and challenging world of corporate deals. She thrives under pressure, and she loves the logic involved in solving transactional problems and the collaborative environment these transactions foster. With a background in biomedical research, Amandeep is particularly interested in the medical industry and enjoys working on M&A deals involving private equity firms that invest in this sector.

Amandeep is known for her ability to understand people and their issues, which she attributes to her degree in psychology. This background helps her to listen to clients, understand their specific needs, and work effectively to achieve their goals. It also makes her a gifted negotiator.



  • J.D., University of Oklahoma College of Law
    • with Distinction
    • The Order of Barristers
    • Oklahoma Oil and Gas, Natural Resources, and Energy Journal, Submissions Editor
  • B.A., University of Oklahoma


  • Missouri

Professional Memberships and Certifications

  • American Bar Association


  • Punjabi, fluent
  • Hindi, fluent
  • Spanish, conversational
2024 Pro Bono Contributor
Outside the Office

Amandeep loves to cook: her parents own a restaurant, so cooking and food are in her blood. Making dinner is her evening stress reliever.

Amandeep also enjoys time with her large family. In fact, she chose to take a job in Kansas City because so many of her extended family live there.