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Capabilities / eDiscovery Solutions

eDiscovery Solutions

eDiscovery Solutions.

To ease the onerous demands of electronic discovery, Husch Blackwell puts advanced technology to work for litigation clients. Our dedicated team of eDiscovery attorneys and litigation services professionals understands both the legal and technical side of the highly specialized eDiscovery field. Our eDiscovery Solutions team steers the logistics of eDiscovery from start to finish, establishing a transparent and trustworthy process and implementing standardized approaches to eDiscovery that are consistent, repeatable, and defensible.

Industry leaders in technology assisted review (TAR) and predictive coding, we leverage technology for speed and efficiency. Tools include NUIX, Ipro’s eCapture, and Relativity, as well as in-house offerings such as Forensic Tool Kit and EnCase.

Additionally, our eDiscovery team conducts preventive assessments to ensure businesses are on the offense, not the defense, in discovery. Our eDiscovery solutions help clients develop firmwide best practices for preservation, collection, processing, searching, reviewing, and producing electronic data.

Our guidance to clients on eDiscovery includes:

Discovery planning and project management

Our eDiscovery Solutions team steps in at the initial identification phase to create strategic plans for clients that keep discovery costs down while ensuring defensibility and accountability. We offer carefully calculated advice on what discoverable evidence to collect, as well as when and how to collect it.

Early case assessment

Getting a handle on the scope of the case is the key to developing a winning discovery strategy. Using cutting-edge technology such as NUIX and Ipro’s eCapture, we investigate and mine electronic data to leverage our vast experience in culling data and creating defensible search protocols. Our litigation technology department investigates data in-house using tools such as Forensic Tool Kit and EnCase before deciding whether expert forensic work is a beneficial expenditure.

Cost-efficient review strategy

Review costs can quickly escalate without proper tools and a well-planned review strategy. Using review software such as Relativity allows us to host most of our cases in-house, with little added cost to our clients. We also lead the industry in use of technology assisted review (TAR) and predictive coding to increase review efficiency.

Trial presentation

Our team designs and operates complex evidence presentations for use in trials. We also wire courtrooms and implement complete mobile office environments for trial support.

Record retention

Alongside our eDiscovery services, our Record Retention team provides preventative counsel relating to the retention and preservation of legally significant documents. We advise clients on relevant laws in varying states, as well as internationally, and assist with the development of customized record retention policies. We also assist clients in ensuring that their policies are fully implemented and followed internally.

Sound record retention policies are an essential part of safeguarding against future litigation, with a legally compliant retentions schedule an important defense against allegations of deleted evidence. If litigation does occur, compliance with retention regulations make a lawsuit and the eDiscovery process infinitely more manageable and can save hundreds of thousands in fines.

Led by Tessa Jacob, Husch Blackwell has a sophisticated e-discovery team, and one that is also unique in that they make strenuous efforts to save their client’s e-discovery costs without sacrificing defensibility.

Client Feedback, Chambers USA