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Intellectual Property Webinar Series: Can You Handle the Truth? Current and Future Considerations in Consumer Labeling and False Advertising Law


Intellectual Property Webinar Series

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Product advertising claims include almost anything from statements appearing on product labels to imagery and inferences on websites and in social media posts. An unwelcome reality is that more and more companies are being hit with “false advertising” lawsuits, filed by competitors or consumers, alleging injury caused by “misleading” claims in advertised products or services. Our hour-long webinar will cover the types of “false advertising” claims we have seen over the last few years, addressing a wide variety of goods and services (including COVID-19-specific claims). We will also provide bold prognostications of “what’s next” regarding the types of claims we anticipate are just over the horizon. Most importantly, we will suggest ways to either avoid these often costly lawsuits or put your company in as good a position as possible to handle them should they arise.

Michael R. Annis, Partner
Emily R. Lyons, Attorney
James Spung, Partner

Who Should Attend
General counsel, CIOs, vice presidents, risk managers and others working with corporate intellectual property.

Continuing Education Credit
This program is pending approval for Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin continuing legal education credit.

Questions? Contact Emily Schumacher at 816.983.8776.


A. James Spung
